Friday, 8 December 2017


This is my inquiry that i did it has facts about some animal i have been working on it for 3 days

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Sumaya,

    My name is Megan, and I will be one of the people blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning Journey. I am really impressed with your slide presentation on animals. The facts you shared were so interesting that I shared them with my family. I found it amazing that cows have best friends. My Mum shared with me that her experience when living on a dairy farm was that cows have incredible personalities. One cow, called 'Daddy's darling' would wait every day until my Grandad had finished milking and would have to walk the cow back to her paddock. Another fact about cows is that there is always a lead cow. So when they are leaving to be milked the same cow will be the first to leave the paddock.

    I am thrilled that you've registered for the Summer Learning Journey with us. I know it can sometimes be tricky to get started. I have included a link to the week one activities, but remember, you can do them in any order! Check out the activities on our website, and then post your responses to the activities here on your blog site.

    I am so excited to read more of your amazing posts!

    Have a lovely day,
    Megan :)


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